Beyonce’s VooDou Imagery in “Hold Up” Video is a ‘Middle Finger Up’ to Jay-Z and the Iluminati

After falling into a YouTube blackhole, I decided to try and decode some of the imagery that Beyonce has been working into her videos to subliminally influence the public ever since her “Beyonce” and “Sasha Fierce” gave us all a little bit more reason to point towards crazy conspiracies like the Illuminati, Satanism in the Music industry, and especially Mind control and MK Ultra… which is pretty much why this video and others released simultaneously, were such a hit with conspiracy theorists from day 1.

I will spare you all of details such as the Elevator fight, Blood Sacrifices, etc., and allow you to research that on your own, because I am breaking this video for “Hold Up” down from views from an entirely different culture. I am referring to the Nigerian religion of Yoruba (also practiced in Cuba), Santeria, and Hudu/Vudu (or VooDoo) – which all follow similar traits, including spells, animal sacrifice, etc. Beyonce is clear that her mother is Creole, and she may very well have grown up practicing the rituals of these religions.

The music video for “Formation” was made to push your political buttons, but we all know there was some controversy around Beyonce dropping “Lemonade.” All of Beyonce’s music from 2006 on is manufactured, but it seems she was able to snap out of Jay-Z’s mind control and make this video that HE may not understand. She is finally starting to see her man’s corruption, and is trying to take back the upper hand. I will show and explain to you how she put her hubby in place, via these visuals…



Very early on we already see livestock and carcass. Animal Sacrifice is a stable in Voodoo, Yoruba, and Santeria sacrifices.

“Everyone has heard of the phrase, “opposites attract”. That is the case in many situations in scenarios. Legend has it that Chango was the king of the Oyo, a great city in West Africa. He had numerous wives, but he was particularly fond of Oshun, the river goddess. Their marriage symbolizes a union of two great basic forces known as the feminine essence and the masculine power…”

Yamaya Cruz

Beyonce, adorned in flowing neutral yellow, represents her Orisha, or, Guardian, “Oshun,” The African Goddess of Love and Sweet Waters.


Oshun was the “principle” wife of Chango, the god of Fire and lightening, whom she fell in love with at a drum festival, and stayed with him despite his numerous other love affairs wish different Orishas. Oshun is Chango’s Ride or die… but that’s not to say jealousy doesn’t still exist…



Beyonce smashes a SPA window, including a “cash” sign, smooth wigs in the window, and a sign for free Facials…. *ahem* …  maybe he finds “Becky”at the Asian Massage Parlor…

We have all been dying to know who “Becky with the good hair” is… Well.. my calculations here may be way off… but the visuals are telling me that Jay Z likes Trans women.. I get that from Beyonce’s smashing of an inner city “SPA” (usual under cover brothels) that takes cash, featuring pink wigs in the window. The obvious name “Becky” is ebonics for a blowjob. We also see an interracial couple sitting on a bench next to the shop, but… notice this guy is wearing heels?


When Queen Bey smashes the window of the spa, the fire of Shango comes raging around the corner… and dude… what are those shoes????


Doesn’t that guy look pretty familiar… I mean the hat, glasses… ya know..


Beyonce doesn’t look very scared of feeling the wrath of Chango, her husband and the Guardian on fire and lightening.


In a final F U to Chango (aka Jay-Z), Beyonce smashes the top off of the hydrant andances in the water, not fearing any consequences.

With all of the conspiracy theories surrounding this royalty of the Illuminati, maybe Beyonce is using “Lemonade” to break free from the mind control of the Illuminati and go back to her African and Hatian Roots… Could religion be the nail in the coffin for Jay-Z and Beyonce?


Posted on January 24, 2017, in Love & Relationships, Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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